prima Be a gracious host. Anticipate your guest's needs to whatever extent you are able. Share your toys and juice. Keep a home where people feel welcome. It will probably involve tidiness, warmth and the absence of horrific smells.
secondario Don't pick other people's flowers. It's not nice. If you think you need some flowers - then learn how to grow them, but don't take the neighbor's.terzo If you borrow something (anything) from somebody - be prepared to buy a completely brand new one if something goes wrong. Try to avoid borrowing tools and cars and electronics because you may not have enough money to buy new ones. IF you do have to borrow a car: Return it with a full tank of gas after you've cleaned it up. This is Universal Action Language that means: Thanks for letting me borrow your car.
Love these tid-bits, Moe, must share them with Roni!